Niepowtarzalne atrakcje
- Zaprojektowane przez nas – zaufanego lidera w branży turystycznej
- Prowadzone przez sympatycznych przewodników-ekspertów
- Wysoko oceniane przez klientów
Ta atrakcja spełnia kryteria Światowej Rady Turystyki Zrównoważonej. Wybierając ją, chronisz miejsca, które kochasz, dbasz o środowisko i wspierasz lokalną społeczność
W Musement dbamy o najlepszą ofertę, dlatego przedstawiamy Ci TUI Collection, zbiór wycieczek zaprojektowanych przez TUI, światowego lidera w branży turystycznej.
Larger-than-life Lanzarote legend Cesar Manrique left his imprint all over the island, but nowhere more so than the north. The architect was inspired by the region's extraordinary geology. This tour takes in three of his works – the Green Caves, Jameos del Agua and Mirador del Rio – as well as the Valley of the Thousand Palm Trees. David, one of our local guides, says, ‘The north of the island was a canvas for Manrique's palette. As he used to say, “The north is still the traditional Lanzarote”.'
First up are the Green Caves, where a maze of galleries and stairways lead you to a natural auditorium. These caverns – 16 have been discovered so far – are air bubbles that are linked by a tunnel created by the lava flow from a volcanic eruption. Manrique was instrumental in adapting the cave system for visitors. His influence is even more pronounced in the Jameos del Agua. Here, he harmonised this roofless volcanic cave, adding rock gardens and a glassy lake, filled with blind, white crabs found only in Lanzarote.
Also on the agenda is Mirador del Rio, one of Manrique's most sci-fi creations. Not only does this viewpoint blend in seamlessly with its surroundings atop a 470m cliff, but it boasts wow-factor vistas across to the island of La Graciosa. Next, cross through the Valley of the Thousand Palm Trees to Haria for a lunch made from locally sourced ingredients in a typical Canarian house. Plus, there's a pit stop to see the famed ‘red house' in the fishing village of Arrieta.